Axolot Solutions i DN Innovation
Axolot Solutions i DN Innovation Axolot presenterar sina lösningar på industrins utmaningar kring vatten. Recirkulation är nyckeln!...
Axolot Solutions i DN Innovation Axolot presenterar sina lösningar på industrins utmaningar kring vatten. Recirkulation är nyckeln!...
Axolot Solutions i Almedalen Den årligen återkommande Politikerveckan i Almedalen i Visby handlar om otroligt mycket mer än partiledarnas tal. Framförallt bjuder Visby på en fantastisk mängd - 4 000 - olika seminarier och utöver det spontana möten med bekanta och obekanta människor och utmärkta möjligheter...
Provkörning hos kund Nu är Axolots team på plats och har startat provkörning åt Fortum....
Tekniska rådet Axolots interna forum för avstämning och utveckling av företagets teknik – har just avslutat två intensiva dagar. Resultat har stämts av, planer lagts upp, principer diskuterats och tekniken vässats ytterligare. Nu tar vi avstamp mot nya höjder!...
"For a long time I have wanted to lead a technological company, with a clear purpose and mission" Marie Landfors says: "Environmental and resource issues are more critical than ever in our society and it feels incredibly motivating to contribute and to work for a more efficient industrial...
Axolot Solutions has joined forces with the Chamber of Commerce for South Sweden and other companies in the region to describe in what way we are working towards the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainability Goals. The transition to sustainable development for the business sector is primarily about...
Axolot Solutions’ technology highlighted in the Finnish paper industry journal Paperi ja Puu The article describes Axolot's water purifying technology and it's benefits to chemical forest industry - reduced water and energy consumption. Axolot's AxoPur® electrochemical process cleans water by separating it into two fractions; clean...
Axolot Solutions granted funding for research project in circular water treatment Axolot Solutions, Thomas Concrete Group and Chalmers University of Technology have recently been granted funding by Sweden’s Innovation Agency Vinnova, for a project to enable sustainable water treatment by using ettringite as a value-adding mineral...
Several pulp industries have in recent years cut back production because of lack of water This article is written by Dr. Martin Ragnar, R&D Director at Axolot Solutions The Swedish pulp and paper industry is successful and has many proud records to boast about in terms of production...
”Vattendagen 2019: Vattenkris – hot och möjligheter” at Krinova Incubator & Science Park in Kristianstad United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 is crystal clear: water for all by 2030. By definition, this means leaving no one behind. But today, billions of people are still living without...